Monday 2 December, 2019

Teach him now!

He looks at her and what she wears
He looks as she shamelessly stares…
He looks at her wander in the night
He looks as she seems an assured sight…

He wants to teach her… real lessons
He wants to hold her… off her passion!
He wants to rein her before it is late
He wants to chain her inside the gate!

He hears her argue with her mother
He hears her treat advice as a bother…
He hears her ask her father for rights
He hears her speak, stand and fight…

He tells her that she is a lesser one
He tells her to stop acting like a son!
He tells her she is asking for trouble
He tells her to be just random rubble!

Now when she is brutalised, he is full of fury
Now he wants to play prosecution and jury
But the ones who abused and set her ablaze
Are just like him… movers in a bigoted maze!

He saw her as a lesser thing… so did they
He saw her as a pet… they saw her as prey!
He held dirty thought, they did the dirty act
Thoughts lead to actions… that’s a real fact!

So clear the dirt now that blurs the brain
Treat her like a human… not as a stain!
No lesson needs to be taught to any girl
It is the boys who need the washing swirl!

He needs to change his outlook of her
He needs to learn humane behaviour…
Abuse, brutalisation is the same chafe
Teach him now so that she can be safe!
Teach him now so that she can be safe!

 ~ Pravin K Sabnis
 1 Dec 2019

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