Monday 7 September, 2020

rise (written on 29 aug 2020)



if we do not

trapped will be thought

battle lost before it is fought



if we do not

time is a diminishing dot

ones who don’t move will rot



if we do not

worse will be wrought

wounds festering under the clot



if we do not

one by one will be caught

to be tried for an imagined blot



if we do not

humanity will go to nought

as humans burn in the hate-pot


so rise

do what we did not

break the chains & step out

opening up every closed spout


so rise

do what we did not

pursue the positive thought

together to sing, dance and shout


so rise

do what we did not

stand up, march or squat

synergise the simmering lot


so rise

do what we did not

seek what we always sought

peace that only justice brings about


-  Pravin Sabnis 29 August 2020 -

Friday 5 June, 2020

Let me breathe

written 3 June 2020

Eyes full of mist
Cuffs on my wrist
Lungs set to collapse
For free air as I gasp
These aches and sores
Have happened before
Stop crushing me underneath
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

Mouth on fire
Life on the wire
When the food I did find
Did not know of cruel mind
That gives an innocent pain
Laying death traps insane
For my baby in my sheath
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

Brutes on the beat
Drag me by my feet
Violate my being
Treat as a plaything
When they are brought to book
I am blamed for being lure hook
The weariness of being aggrieved
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

Why do you hit
For every little bit
Drew water for my thirst
Can’t fathom your outburst
Who decided that you are dear?
Who decided that I am impure?
My living you turn into grief
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

You treat me as soil
While enjoying my toil
I ensure your comfort
By cleaning your dirt
But when I was in need
You refused to pay heed
The road seems endless beneath
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

Sometimes you pinch
Sometimes you lynch
If not for sickly honour
You will find a rumour
You have hit where you could
Yet stake claim on victimhood
Stop lying through your teeth
Let me breathe… Let me breathe…

In a world vindictive
Empathy is selective
Go beyond choosy pity
Reclaim human personality
Throw away all excuses lame
We are all born one and same
Don’t bury humanity under the hate wreath
Let everyone breathe… Let everyone breathe

- Pravin Sabnis
3 June 2020

Monday 16 March, 2020

VOID (29 July 2019)

(a poem written on 29 July 2019)

The empty chair
The missing stare
So full of care...

The bare bed
Words unsaid
Heart full of lead…

The still cane
A closed pane
Weeping rain…

Absent look
Quietened nook
Unopened book…

A closed sill
The numb feel
House gone still…

Poignant space
Reminiscences trace
The bond of grace…

Memory pond
Forever fond
Immortal bond…

~ Pravin K Sabnis

Troll (20 Jan 2020)

Mirror on wall, mirror on wall
Watch out who is on virtual call
It starts with an indignant scroll
Then released is the vicious troll!

Mirror on ceiling, mirror on ceiling
Watch out who strangled feeling
Hurling abuse, going for the killing
The latest sin of inhuman trolling!

Mirror on floor, mirror on floor
Watch out who steps to score
A closed mind, a locked-up door
Trolls kick the wound till sore!

Mirror on screen, mirror on screen
Watch out for who just walked in
Masks slip and cover gets thin
Trolls scream in ravenous din!

Mirror in mind, mirror in mind
Watch out for who you find
Friends have put fiends behind
Trolls go distant from mankind!

Mirror immortal, mirror immortal
Watch out for malice on the portal
Trolls have chosen a blood thirsty ideal
A two-edged sword, killer and suicidal
Trolling is sadly both: killer and suicidal!

~ Pravin K. Sabnis
20 Jan 2020

Blood on my hand (6 Jan 2020)

Not just the brutal goons
I have blood on my hand...
I had asked for the strike
now they bloodied our land!

I stood safe on the shore
shouting till it hurt my gland...
When Blue Ocean turned Red
hues of hurt stained the sand!

I ignored that in a bull fight
taking sides may seem grand...
But not just the raging bull
gored oft are the cheering band!

Stoking fires is easily done
difficult it is to be manned...
It may seem a harmless sport
but blaze will get out of hand!

We must know the fallout
of taking an extreme stand…
Humanism, justice and peace
should be keys to every demand!

When I ask for the strike
they will drench again our land...
Not just the brutal goons
I will have blood on my hand!
I will have blood on my hand!!

~ Pravin K. Sabnis
6 Jan 2020