Friday 24 November, 2006

The Earth Is Ours… the Sky Is Too!

(May 2001)

Every saint says so…
Every sage says so…
If you possess sincerity and daring
Eventually, you'll find yourself winning!

Don't mind the length of the road..
Don't tire out under the load
Listen to the essence of my words..
Don't disappoint these inviting roads

King of this world... that's you...
Believe this fact to be true
Take all troubles head-on....
Never sing a loser's song
Why does fear overpower you?
This earth is ours, the sky is too!

The thoughts in your mind...
Are mine too, you'll find
Your dreams are akin to my life mission…
Lamps of hope lit up our vision.
May these lamps never wane…
Come storm, thunder or rain!

The skies will sing, fun will gather...
Only if you and I call out together
The season of flowers shall bloom..
Bringing happiness and chasing the gloom
Together we can create a colourful way...
Why do you keep alone and away?

Why does fear overpower you?
This earth is ours, the sky is too!

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