if we do not
trapped will be thought
battle lost before it is fought
if we do not
time is a diminishing dot
ones who don’t move will rot
if we do not
worse will be wrought
wounds festering under the clot
if we do not
one by one will be caught
to be tried for an imagined blot
if we do not
humanity will go to nought
as humans burn in the hate-pot
so rise
do what we did not
break the chains & step out
opening up every closed spout
so rise
do what we did not
pursue the positive thought
together to sing, dance and shout
so rise
do what we did not
stand up, march or squat
synergise the simmering lot
so rise
do what we did not
seek what we always sought
peace that only justice brings about
- Pravin Sabnis 29
August 2020 -