Friday 18 November, 2016

The Masks Return

So often with the powerful and the moneybags they mingle
Now they strangely speak of a resolve that is single
Single is the purpose declared of reclaiming freedom of expression
These are the same who have oft sided with forces of suppression.

The culprit will defend devious and deadly development
Sitting with those who he insisted were anti national elements
And these elements who once were vocal will choose to be silent
And insist that solidarity is a must for countering the violent.

They ignore that the baker broke bread with the same one
Whom he identified as the vilest under the secular sun
They ignore that the very persons who claimed that they fight
Were partners of an inconvenient deal born in the night.

They forget that the fight for human rights is not just with rogue foe
We have to beware the fiend posing as a friend waiting at the door
The door is just a frame for documenting the photo opportunity
To build a fake case of being a worker in the fight for human dignity.

The stage has been set, the arc lights have been hoisted high
The act has been rehearsed without any remorseful sigh
The masks have returned and you cannot tell who is which.
The net is cast high and wide to grab the gullible within reach.

The good are easily gullible as the crooks are double faced
They stand next to smiles artificially saccharine laced
It is a human tragedy that repeats and repeats every season
It is time for these damned masks to be exposed for real reason.

The masks keep returning as the players know well
That the people will forget what their other mask sells
But there are some who have seen through the deadly game
And the masks will not hide that the wearers are ideologically lame.

- _Pravin Sabnis_
16 November 2016

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