Monday 8 January, 2007


Thank you Satish & Patricia,
you are the bright blaze
that uncovered our shifty eyes

and our lame daze!

We shed only teeming tears
We hid behind our selfish fears
Refusing to take on the threatening might
Running away from the righteous fight!

The police came without fail
And send the saviours off to jail.
But then something happened to me
… my mirror reflected the cut tree!

Keep going Satish & Patricia,

you are the igniting flame
that dispelled the darkness

and exposed the dangerous game!

The aggressors had to be tackled…
their greed had to be humbled…
The Goans now began to talk
and dawned the urgency to walk

We must save the Goan identity
where Mother Nature lives with dignity.
We want the real Goa and not a fairy tale
Don’t you dare put up my motherland up for sale!

Thank you Satish & Patricia,

you are the motivational flare
that lit up our spirits

and reminded us how to dare!

We must also gather our guts
To take head on the two-faced nuts
Let’s challenge every deceitful argument
That speaks for fallacious development

It isn’t just about saving our land
Or the forests, mangroves and sand
It is about saving our future generation
From the necropolis of misplaced progression.

Rest assured Satish & Patricia,

you are no longer the lonely embers,
from Odxel, Saleli, Sulcorna and everywhere,

Goa is showing the numbers!

No money and no muscle can deter
The Goan who has cast off his fear
It is after all, the fight for true freedom
From the insatiable rulers’ fiefdom.

The people are awake and aware
The rude rulers have to beware
You are out to abuse our mother
And expect us not to bother?

Smile Satish & Patricia,

we have thrown away our pretexts
'Save Goa' is no longer

just another spoken concept!

---- Pravin Sabnis (December 2006)

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